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Terms and conditions


The content of the site is free under the following conditions.

  • Articles are published for educational purposes. 
  • Only registered users can copy content from SH website under the certain conditions.
  • Downloading and copying content to another site is authorized with maximum 500 words and provided exactly link of articles from “Short history website”
  • It is not allowed massively copying any content from this website to another single domain.

Used images

In line with the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”, the main purpose of using images in the articles is to present history more interesting and more user friendly. In many cases used images are taken from the Internet. The author of website carefully using only public, free images or licensed images under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike. Also author using some images from other sites under a certain conditions. In most cases on such images there is source link. If you notice that some images are right protected and should not be on this website, send email to *protected email* with detail explanation.

Used videos

We don’t upload any right protected videos.  Documentaries on “Short history” website are only embedded (shared) in most cases from youtube. So publishers who submit videos on youtube are responsible for right protected videos according to youtube copyright instructions. https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/ If the video is deleted from youtube due to any reason, embedded video on this website will also automatically disappear.

Other rules

Not allowed:

    • insult, disparage, harass participants due to religious, ethnic, sexual, political party or other affiliation;
    • impersonation and the use of multiple identities;
    • to incite hatred and abuse;
    • in any other way violate human rights or laws;
    • violation of privacy, such as. publishing someone else’s e-mail addresses, phone numbers;
    • publication of the names and last names or other personal data of speakers and third parties, except the notorious data on public figures;
    • send copyrighted material, unless you yourself own the copyright;
    • send material that is false or inaccurate;
    • unreasonably encourage strife and involvement of a large number of people in order to hinder the normal discussion
    • frequent attack by multiple users on single user;
    • insult administrators and moderators;
    • insult the participants by the moderator or administrator;
    • to mock and belittle the general rules;
    • publication of the message (posting) content, links or articles with pornographic, pedophile or fascist contents;
    • posting content that prevent the normal functioning of the forum/community;

All posts that do not comply with these rules will be deleted.

Warnings / penalties:
Administrator and moderator of the forum reserves the right to delete or modify any of the content if violate the rules.
In addition to deleting inappropriate content, moderators and administrators can lock some topics, move to other forums or regroup topics. In sections “forum/community” author not responsible for content published by users. However,  if any text or link violate rules it will be permanently removed.

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