HomeMiddle Ages
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Forbidden Fruit: Male-Female Relations in the Medieval Cloister
Medieval monks and nuns lived by rules that demanded three vows: chastity, obedience and poverty. Problems arose with all three at times, and oft...
Middle Ages
Women and Romances: Medieval Women and their Books
With its intertwined episodes and challenging hurdles, romance literature of the Middle Ages gave birth to modern romance novels, but it was not exactly...
Middle Ages
Making a Women’s Manuscript: Medieval Women and their Books II
Although many manuscripts survive from the Middle Ages, there are comparatively few that reveal certain signs of female participation in their production. One of...
Middle Ages
Coping with the Pen: Women Writers of the Middle Ages
The lives of most medieval women were not easy, particularly in the tumultuous the first few centuries of the medieval period. Such women enjoyed...
Middle Ages
Medieval English Books for Children: Reading to Succeed
Many parents in medieval England were as concerned about teaching their children to read and write as parents are today. Literacy was not as...
Medieval Britain
Northumbria 600-768
Æthelfrith (†616) was the king of Bernicia (from 592/593) and Deira, which merged into Northumbria. Æthelfrith was the son of Æthelric and the...
Middle Ages
Universities and Students in the High Middle Ages
In the early 14th-Century, Alvarius Pelagius, a Franciscan, described some of the university students of that age. Pelagius commented that, “They attend classes but...