Ancient China & Japan
Short about Yayoi culture in Japan (300 BC-250 AD)
The Yayoi period is associated with Bronze and Iron Age age in the history of Ancient Japan. Yayoi period traditionally dated from 300 BC to...
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Ancient Rome
Political course of consul Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Quintus Sertorius after the death of Sulla (78-72 BC)
Soon after Sulla's death opposition towards Sulla’s regime became stronger. City plebs was dissatisfied with the abolition of grain distribution and they wanted to...
Different informations
Ancient Roman Writing Tablets Found in Britain
Archaeologists announced they have discovered hundreds of writing tablets from Roman London - including the oldest handwritten document ever found in Britain - in...
Prehistory and Archeology
Ice Age – Natural conditions and human appearance
In order to understand fully the physical world that humanity has inherited, we need to go back 70 million years of the Cenozoic era....
Ancient Egypt
Periodization of the prehistory in the Egyptian area
Half a million years ago Nile was much wider. Interglacial period in Europe corresponds to the period of rain in North Africa, due to...
Ancient Rome
Third Servile War in Roman Republic 73-71BC (Spartacus rebellion)
The largest Servile War started (after First and Second uprising of slaves) simultaneously with a bitter class struggle, during the time of Quintus Sertorius ...