Ancient Rome

Naval Battle of Actium

The battle of Actium ended the Second Triumvirate and shifted the power base of Roman rule of the Mediterranean to the West. Octavian’s subjugation...

Ancient Britannia under the Roman rule and development of Londinium

From the reconnaissance of Julius Caesar in 55 BC, to what is called the "Saxon Advent" in 49 AD, the lands of England, Scotland...


Origins of the Etruscans Etruscans period in the Italy history began around the VIII century BC.  There are three theories about the Etruscans origin: The...

Short about Greek cities in Italy and Sicily

In the VIII century began Greek colonization, which ended in the VI century BC. After 480 BC and after the battle of Himera, in...

Short facts about Italic tribes

In the V century, vast majority of tribes on the Apennines peninsula were Italics, while Sabine tribes had a significance role in Roman history. Italic...

Geographical position of Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome lay on the left bank of the river Tiber (25 km from the mouth). In the era of empires, ancient Rome was...

Rome during period of kings

Legend about founding of Rome Numitor – was one of Aeneas descendants, but his brother Amulis overthrew him and then he killed his son while...

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