Greek temple was the house of God, apartment anthropomorphic deities. Temple was basic shaped of Mycenaean and Trojan megaron, a rectangular room with a large hall on the input side. The oldest in the history documented Greek temples were the Temple of Artemis in Sparta and first Heraion, Temple of Hera on Samos, both built in the 8th century BC. In the 7th century BC The Greeks erected the first archaeological known stone temples.
Fifth century – around 470 BC two large Temple of Zeus were eracted, one in Olympia, where was located Pheidias masterpiece – a statue of Zeus and the other in Akragas, one of the largest Greek temples.

The second half of the 5th century BC was the golden age of Greek architecture.
Then the Athenians built the Parthenon on the Acropolis (Iktinos and Kallikrates, the Temple of Athena), Erechtheion (Philotimo temple with caryatids), a small temple of Nike (Kallikrates) and the Propylaea (Mnesikles), Hephaistion (Temple of Athena and Hephaestus, the best preserved temple in Athens), at the Agora Theseion, on the point of Sounion, the Temple of Poseidon, in Eleusis distinctive Telesterion.
Fourth century – new Artemision at Ephesus was built, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (lifted by Queen Artemisia to Mauzolu, her husband, one of the 7 Wonders of the World), Tholos at Delphi.
In the middle of the 7th century BC Greeks started to make bigger statues and thus began their sculpture in the strict sense. In the 6th century BC Ancient Greek sculpture was in the full swing of artistic development, when the archaic style was formed.
Fifth century – it came to the golden age of classical art.

Polykleitos built a statue of Hera temple in Argos, he had popular Amazon.
Phidias was the famous Greek sculptor. More important sculptures were: Athens Parthenos, Olympic Zeus, various Athens, bronze Amazon.
Fourth century – was dominated by three great artists.
Praxiteles – Hermes with the child Dionysus, Aphrodite in Cnidus, brought a woman’s naked body to perfection.
Skopas – decoration Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the head of the tympanum of Athena’s temple in Tegea.
Lysippos – Apoxyomenos (statue specific proportions), Hermes who puts on shoe.