Home Plaster cast bust of Thucydides from a Roman copy of an early 4th Century BC Greek original. Located at Holkham Hall, but originally from the Pushkin Museum. Plaster cast bust of Thucydides from a Roman copy of an early 4th Century BC Greek original. Located at Holkham Hall, but originally from the Pushkin Museum.

Plaster cast bust of Thucydides from a Roman copy of an early 4th Century BC Greek original. Located at Holkham Hall, but originally from the Pushkin Museum.

Plaster cast bust of Thucydides from a Roman copy of an early 4th Century BC Greek original. Located at Holkham Hall, but originally from the Pushkin Museum.
Ancient Greece Map
According to Greek mythology, the first queen of Crete was Europa. Later on Crete became the land of King Minos. The legend is that the king refused to sacrifice a bull to the gods and Poseidon punished him by making his wife fall in love with a bull. From this union the Minotaur was born and was hid in a labyrinth